Murat Mamyrov
In today’s global village, it is important to have one point of access to the best tax advice for your growing business. Our international tax practice advises clients in many business sectors, whether it is companies with a single service contract in Kazakhstan, or multinational clients with multiple activities.
As Kazakhstan’s market and companies grow and mature, it is a natural development for its leading companies to seek to expand and diversify out of Kazakhstan. Through BDO International’s extensive network of offices in every worldwide business centre, we offer a complete, integrated tax service, whether this is simply advice about tax rates and nuances in selected markets, to full due diligence on potential acquisitions, establishing tax efficient investment vehicles, and repatriation of profits.
Foreign companies wishing to bring their own people into their local operations are faced with a whole series of challenges – time limits, work permits, local content rules, and of course withholding taxes on reimbursed salaries and expenses. Our approach to helping you solve these issues is individual for every client – we will take the time to understand your business requirements and not only advise you of the correct tax position, but also seek to propose operational solutions which can minimize your overall cost.
Murat Mamyrov